Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And so it begins...

First of all, I need to say that not only am I new to Ecuador, but blogging as well. I feel like I am entering the game in the second half to say the least, but better late than never right? 

So here I am... 

Pretty much done with my first full day in Ecuador. It still doesn't feel real to be here. After at least four months of praying and working and applying and packing and it's all finally here. God is so good. Every little detail that He worked out...that's what is the most amazing. 

I was so proud of myself for packing "early" (Saturday night for my Monday morning flight) which if you know me, really is a feat. But pride cometh before the fall which in my case meant being toothbrushless, HAIRBRUSHless and without one of my visa documents. Great. Who forgets their TOOTHBRUSH?!?! Hotel Quito has been very accommodating though and I am not too worried about my visa document because I only need it for the trip back. 

Today we did a city tour of Quito...I think the architecture in the colonial district was probably my favorite. We saw la Compania de Jesus which is a church that took 160 years to build. If you could see it you would know why. I was kinda bummed we couldn't take pictures because this place was insane.  We also went to the gallery of Guayasamin, Ecuador's most famous artist. Our tour guide was great but I only caught about every third word even though he was speaking English. So while I wish I could say that I am now an expert on all things Quito alas I cannot. 

The altitude and lack of oxygen in the air is unlike anything I have experienced before. I feel like when I breathe it's just empty. Walking up a flight of stairs makes me pant. Literally. Pant. It's kinda funny really. 

Looking forward to tomorrow....but also reeeally looking forward to bed tonight.


  1. Yay! I'm so excited you're blogging about this! Now I (we) can feel like we're there with you :) Have a blast!

  2. So excited for you..Can't wait to hear more of you time there...Now what is the time difference there compared to us?
